Monday, February 18, 2013

You can lead a reader to feeds, but can you make them tweet?

Libraries using Twitter?

Yea or nay?

I'm thinking yea. Twitter has the benefit of being quick (who of your patrons isn't experiencing a time crunch) and concise; you HAVE to get your point across in 140 characters. 

Timely Tweets re: spaces available or programs filled can definitely make your library communications more succinct.

As for RSSFeeds; I love 'em. If you read feeds from useful sites; you can catch up quickly with updated content (as can your patrons); rather than having to visit each blog post.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Social media and libraries . . . evolutionary relevance?

Libraries MUST (IMNSHO) evolve, and to remain relevant it means; that for better or for worse, not only must a library effectively utilize social media and all its foibles, the idiosyncrasies of each aspect of social media; should be exploited.

The end result of the participation in social media may or may not be measurable in the usual sense (circulation numbers/counts), but if a library chooses NOT to participate in an element of social media; the opportunity to connect with their audience; hasn't even had a chance to be measured. Definitely a case of "nothing ventured, nothing gained".

By the number of libraries featured in blogs, libraries on FB and library related hashtags; it does seem that something is being ventured, hopefully there are results being gained.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Carried In The Pocket

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.  ~Chinese Proverb

I thought I'd name my newest blog (for my SOLS Learning 2.0 Course); after a Chinese proverb, in honour of the Chinese New Year, celebrated on Sunday February 10, 2013.

(Source: S. M. Yang/The Epoch Times)

For a quick and informative write up of the Year of the Snake (2013); please go to The Epoch Times